Cow, river stone, The Comparated Art Museum, Sangeorz-Bai
Portrait, river stone, 1995
The Comparated Art Museum, Sangeorz Bai
Sed libera nos a malo, Knee-Box, marble-bronze, 1997
In the collection of MNAC Bucharest
Sed libera nos a malo, 2011
installation wiew in St Josepf Church, Geldrop, NL
Melusina, Hone stone, 2011
Sculpture Symposium, Morges, CH
Melusina, sand stone, 2013
private collection
Tear-pipes, marble, salt, 2011
Mogosoaia Palace
Fish, red granite, 2013
Private Collection
Trying to Fly ( Butterfly), andezith, 2017
Stone Symposium, Bistrita Nasaud